Get Ready for MidMarket & Enterprise Customers faster

GRC at startups begins as a founder-led function. Things get deferred for later; the lowest price vendor who offers to get you certified seems like the default choice. But it comes with a hidden price.
Your Customers

“We like your product but want some assurance in form of certifications, reports & validation. Startups are risky so why should we take a punt on yours?”

Your Investors

“You have traction but governance & controls are a factor in our investment decision. Talk to us a bit about what controls you've implemented? We don't want another meltdown in our portfolio”

Your Regulators

“Are you following regulations? We’re light touch and startup-friendly but we need to see...”

Discover how AuditCue creates the impact

Without AuditCue

Customers ask you for assurance that they can share confidential data

Investor conversations take longer. Regulatory asks involve a lot of firefighting and founder bandwidth

Sales conversations on larger deals take longer, impacting your GTM pipeline and conversion numbers

Your revenue teams start citing "procurement", "infosec" & "security" as reasons for lost deals

Your competitors cite security & compliance as a product differentiator versus you

With AuditCue

Develop a solid GRC program that removes friction from your sales flow

Showcase your compliance certifications, audit logs, approval flows, risk & control frameworks with confidence to investors, regulators & customers

Increase deal velocity by equipping your revenue team to handle compliance-related objections convincingly

You can focus on building your product vision, minus the firefighting

GRC becomes a strategic differentiator for you vs competition

Compliance is not a check-the-box. Neither is your search for the perfect GRC tool.

Take a demo how your compliance process will look like with AuditCue. We don't do generic demos - every small detail is customised for your specific requirements.
Request Your Demo